Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Facility & Equipment Injuries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Facility & Equipment Injuries - Essay Example Backboard cables can be any hazard for injury. Dunking is a frequent occurrence in the game of basketball. Therefore use of poorly constructed rims that do not break on hard impact pose risk to the hands of basketball players (Borkowski, 2004). Improperly designed basketball rims can also be a hazard for basketball players, when they dunk the basketball (Kidman & Hanrahan, 2004). Debris, or dirt, or playing floors and missing or raised floor plates can also cause injuries to players (Borkowski, 2004). To prevent injuries from collusions with objects outside the playing area, I will create buffer zones providing a minimum of three feet space from the playing area; preferably I would like to have buffer zones of ten feet. I will regularly check the backboard cables to ensure that they do pose any hazard to the players. I will report any faulty rims and backboards to the authorities, and will not allow the players to use them till they are replaced. I will regularly ensure that dirt, debris, and wet spots from the playing floors. In the case of raised floor plates I will report it to the authorities, and the relevant playing area will not be used till the defects are addressed. In this manner I hope to reduce injuries to basket ball players from facilities and equipment (Borkowski,
Monday, October 28, 2019
Money should be the primary consideration in the selection of oneââ¬â¢s career Essay Example for Free
Money should be the primary consideration in the selection of oneââ¬â¢s career Essay Young people generally start thinking about their future career when they are still at school, by making the right choice of subjects to study. What the financial package of their dream career is may not be important at that stage, but it certainly becomes a relevant consideration later on. However, how important this consideration is varies from one person to another. On the one hand, financial gain is definitely a factor one should consider when choosing a career. There is no denying that the salary is one of the top priorities when people start looking for a job. Most people start to take on the responsibility for the cost of living when they leave school, and it is of great importance to find a job with a higher salary, even though working hours might be longer than in other occupations. Moreover, these positions may have numerous potentials, such as a chance for promotion, training opportunity, a good work environment, and reputation. Having money also helps one gain his independence, for instance, maintaining a family, buying a house, paying rent, travelling around the world. Money is also necessary to buy basic utilities such as food and water, and it also aids to secure your home from theft. On the other hand, many people do not, and should not, focus on this factor as the main one. Salaries should not be the most important factor in choosing a career. People may neglect many other things that are worth to pursue in ones life if they consider money to be the most important factor in choosing a career. In fact, many people choose to fulfil their life goals and give up the job opportunity with the highest salary. For one thing, being engaged with the job you love can let you work in a pleasurable atmosphere in order to enhance your work efficiency. People can gain more satisfaction once they achieve their goals. Not only that, but focusing primarily on money when selecting a career ignores the concept that making money is not the reason most of us get jobs, but rather a means of obtaining material goods and services and of achieving important goals, such as providing security for oneself and oneââ¬â¢s family, lifelong learning, freedom to travel or to pursue hobbies. Acknowledging the distinction, one may select a career on the basis of money, since more money can buy more goods and services as well as the security, freedom, and time to enjoy them. It does not mean that everybody should regard it as the most important factor in life. After all, money is just a way satisfy our basic life needs. All in all, I think the best career choice is the combination of personal interests and financial benefits. If people choose a career that they do not like, they may be impatient when they are at work. Only in doing what they like or have interests in, can people improve their working productivity and performance.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Human Concepts of Aging :: Sociology Age Agism Stereotype
In this essay about aging, I will focus not only on the stereotypical view of what aging can mean to most, but also the broader focus on the many ways aging can be defined. The essay will look at what aging means to different cultures and historical periods and take a broad overview of the concept from different perspectives. Moreover it will also discuss social factors relating to aging. It will show the significant changes of aging historically and various underlying factors as to the changes. Finally, I will discuss what the changes suggest for our future. What does the concept of aging mean? Aging is defined into a definition as "Changes that significantly decrease the probability of survival caused by processes within the individual that are universal, inevitable and irreversible" (Schulz & Ewen, 1993 p. 5). However it is a narrow definition of what aging means as there is not one person who would define aging in the same manner. Most of what we think and know about aging are opinions that reflects the stereotyped and exaggerated attitudes about decline and fall that are so common in the western culture. Even though it can be defined in biological terms aging also has another perspective, an entirely social construction and the way we perceive age varies from culture to culture and from one historical period to another (Coleman & O' Hanlon, 2004). Defining what is old to oneself depends on who we are and our own social position. According to the NSW Department 1989 Report of the Healthy Older People Project, age is defined differently according to the individual. For example a medical professional would state post-menopausal women and retired men as being old. To a fifteen-year-old, parents, grandparents and 30 year olds would be seen as old, and sick elderly people are viewed as older than healthy older people. This shows that there is not one ideal for what old and age is supposed to mean. Since 1900 life expectancy at birth has increased by more than 20 years for females and males. This therefore has influenced our definitions of old age. NSW Health Department (1989) categorised old into groups. Group one `young old' 60 years and over. Group two ` Old old' 75 years to 84 years and group three, the oldest, being 85 years and over. Moreover although old can be defined to Australians somewhat differently depending on the individual it also can't be forgotten that our Australian Indigenous population vary what old age is once again.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Challenging Behavior
Challenging Behavior Case Study Essay Module 1 essay submitted by Charles LaRocca Under the IDEA act, there is a greater responsibility to provide a positive learning environment for all students not just those with disabilities. IDEA is the vehicle that drives special education policies and procedures throughout the nation. Before IDEA, there was a very myopic view for teaching students with disabilities. In the past special education teachers provided instruction to their students in the classroom with little or no input from other teachers. Today, students with disabilities are more inclusive in the general curriculum and their education is a cooperative collaborative effort. In almost any public school today, you will observe the special education teacher sitting in the general education teachers classroom (CC) collaborating and engaging with their students. The teacherââ¬â¢s expanded role because of IDEA to ensure a conducive environment for learning for all students is evident in the case study challenging behavior. My first impression is that Ms. Allison has other special education students in her room since she has a teaching assistant. I mention this only to further illustrate that general education teachers have an increasing role as members of IEP teams in the collaboration process. In the case study, the teacher, Ms. Allison has identified Leonardââ¬â¢s challenging behavior which is the first step before a functional behavioral assessment can be implemented. By simply moving his seat to the back of the room will not do any good in effectively intervening or preventing his behavior. The teacher has taken the next step in her referral by listing in concrete and clear terms examples of Leonardââ¬â¢s challenging behavior. She has collected data as to when it occurs by observing his behavior in different settings and during different types of activities. The teacher has collected enough data to form the opinion that Leonardââ¬â¢s challenging behavior is a result of ADHD. She has demonstrated that is behavior is affecting his learning and is interfering with the learning of his/her peers. In this case study, all of the IDEA rights and requirements are met for an IEP team to begin to devise a plan for conducting a functional behavioral assessment. The team must explore the need for strategies and support systems to address any behavior that may impede the learning of the child with the disability or the learning of his or her peers (614 (d)(3)(b)(I); The fact that Leonardââ¬â¢s parents refuse testing and refuse the consent for special education services means that he is subject to the same disciplinary actions as those who receive no special services. He has no IEP, therefore he would not be protected under the IDEA act that addresses any disciplinary actions by school personnel. In response to certain disciplinary actions by school personnel, the IEP team must within 10 days, meet to formulate a functional behavioral assessment plan to collect data for developing a behavior intervention plan, or if a behavior intervention plan already exists, the team must review and revise it (as necessary), to ensure that it addresses the behavior upon which disciplinary action is predicated (615)(k)(1)(b). In this case the role of the parent and their consent is an important part of the IEP team by refusing to sign the child will receive no services. However, if the school district wants to go to due process in over -turning the parentââ¬â¢s decision they may do so but in my opinion that is not very likely unless they can prove his behavior is a threat to himself and to others. Challenging Behavior Challenging Behavior Case Study Essay Module 1 essay submitted by Charles LaRocca Under the IDEA act, there is a greater responsibility to provide a positive learning environment for all students not just those with disabilities. IDEA is the vehicle that drives special education policies and procedures throughout the nation. Before IDEA, there was a very myopic view for teaching students with disabilities. In the past special education teachers provided instruction to their students in the classroom with little or no input from other teachers. Today, students with disabilities are more inclusive in the general curriculum and their education is a cooperative collaborative effort. In almost any public school today, you will observe the special education teacher sitting in the general education teachers classroom (CC) collaborating and engaging with their students. The teacherââ¬â¢s expanded role because of IDEA to ensure a conducive environment for learning for all students is evident in the case study challenging behavior. My first impression is that Ms. Allison has other special education students in her room since she has a teaching assistant. I mention this only to further illustrate that general education teachers have an increasing role as members of IEP teams in the collaboration process. In the case study, the teacher, Ms. Allison has identified Leonardââ¬â¢s challenging behavior which is the first step before a functional behavioral assessment can be implemented. By simply moving his seat to the back of the room will not do any good in effectively intervening or preventing his behavior. The teacher has taken the next step in her referral by listing in concrete and clear terms examples of Leonardââ¬â¢s challenging behavior. She has collected data as to when it occurs by observing his behavior in different settings and during different types of activities. The teacher has collected enough data to form the opinion that Leonardââ¬â¢s challenging behavior is a result of ADHD. She has demonstrated that is behavior is affecting his learning and is interfering with the learning of his/her peers. In this case study, all of the IDEA rights and requirements are met for an IEP team to begin to devise a plan for conducting a functional behavioral assessment. The team must explore the need for strategies and support systems to address any behavior that may impede the learning of the child with the disability or the learning of his or her peers (614 (d)(3)(b)(I); The fact that Leonardââ¬â¢s parents refuse testing and refuse the consent for special education services means that he is subject to the same disciplinary actions as those who receive no special services. He has no IEP, therefore he would not be protected under the IDEA act that addresses any disciplinary actions by school personnel. In response to certain disciplinary actions by school personnel, the IEP team must within 10 days, meet to formulate a functional behavioral assessment plan to collect data for developing a behavior intervention plan, or if a behavior intervention plan already exists, the team must review and revise it (as necessary), to ensure that it addresses the behavior upon which disciplinary action is predicated (615)(k)(1)(b). In this case the role of the parent and their consent is an important part of the IEP team by refusing to sign the child will receive no services. However, if the school district wants to go to due process in over -turning the parentââ¬â¢s decision they may do so but in my opinion that is not very likely unless they can prove his behavior is a threat to himself and to others.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Ethics of Welfare and Government Assistance
Patrick Cassidy PHL 215 3/23/10 Ethics of Welfare and Government Assistance When the topic of welfare is brought into an ethical discussion most individuals would surely see it as an ethical act that genuinely helps those in need. This is true to an extent, but is it possible that welfare does more harm than good? Most would argue that the hand out of money to those less fortunate is being socially responsible. The question that drives this ethical issue is where does social responsibility end and personal responsibility pick up? This question is difficult to answer because every family in need is in a different situation. Government benefits are supposed to be used as a crutch for families to get back on their feet, but about twenty percent of all families receiving welfare stay on the program for more than five years. {text:bibliography-mark} This is the base of ethical issues surrounding government assistance and social responsibility for the needy. Many individuals believe that receiving a government hand-out allows people to become satisfied with being on welfare. If programs like food stamps and welfare arenââ¬â¢t effective, they are essentially a black hole for the tax dollars of working Americans. There is no denying the fact that there are needy families out there who are so impoverished that they need aid, but it is nearly impossible to separate the abusers from the desperate. It is for this reason many arguments can be made for both sides of government assistance. The most common question is, how far should a governmentââ¬â¢s social responsibility stretch? The issuing of government benefits derived from tax dollars is a strong ethical dilemma that has both social and economical repercussions. text:bibliography-mark} The first way to look at this problem from an ethical and moral point of view would be from the psychological egoist perspective. An egoist is a person who believes all that matters in moral issues are the elements that deal with self. They are believers that all peopleââ¬â¢s decisions in life are based on selfishnes s. Therefore, if welfare were a charity, rather than a government run program, the psychological egoists of the world probably would most likely not contribute. On the other side of the coin, psychological egoism would suggest that all people who qualify for government benefits would try to collect these benefits. That is where psychological egoism falls short of defining exactly how humans behave. Social stigmas associated with government assistance keeps some individuals from applying. This shows that selfishness takes a backseat to pride and dignity when placed against these moral values. The real problem with government programs like welfare, food stamps, and free lunch is that the line between assistance and benefits is very dull. For example, a man who makes enough money to support his family may still qualify for welfare. If the person solely spends their welfare checks on alcohol, cigarettes, and gambling is it really helping them prosper? The reality is that every person has different tolerance for assistance. Welfare that may feel like warranted assistance for one family could be seen as excess unearned benefits for a different family. That is where the psychological egoism perspective of all actions being driven by self-interest falls apart. It also does not hold up against thoughts of compassion. If all people lacked compassion in their actions the United States government would have never been able to pass a bill to create welfare and other tax-dollar funded assistance programs. {text:bibliography-mark} There is another ethical theory that is based on people acting on self-interest, it is titled ethical egoism. There are three different types of ethical egoism; however, only two are actual theories on moral behaviors. The first is Individual ethical egoism. Individual ethical egoists believe that they should only act in self-interest, and that other around them should act out of their self-interest as well. This is the definition of being completely selfish, not only are you only looking out for yourself, but you expect others to help you along the way as well. In regards to government assistance, these people would likely complain about paying taxes for these programs, but also are very likely to want to use and abuse them. Another type of ethical egoism that exists is called universal ethical egoism. The main belief behind universal egoism remains the same as that of individual egoism; individuals should only act out of their own self-interest. Where these two types of egoism differ is that universal egoism suggests that all people should act in a selfish manner, removing all altruistic acts from society. If this type of egoism really described the actions of all people, it is likely most people would favor the individual egoism theory, for they would desire to have everybody acting for their personal interests. Both of these types of egoism donââ¬â¢t give a realistic grasp of the American society when dealing with government assistance. These egoists would surely all desire government benefits, but they would have no desire to give back to the community. If everybody were solely out for themselves, there would be no government assistance because working tax-payers would refuse to fund such a thing. Therefore those that believe in egoism are likely against government assistance programs, but are happy to reap the benefits if they qualify. The essential opposite to egoism is known as utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is based on the idea of morality revolving around creating the most good for the most people. When it comes to decision making surrounding utilitarianism actions are based on the consequences that will ensue from the action. When this type of thinking is applied to the government assistance problem, utilitarianââ¬â¢s would surely side with providing those in need with as much as possible. This is a difficult position, because the abusers of these programs are still going to be allowed to collect, but if allowing these programs to operate helps the most people, then utilitarianââ¬â¢s will be supportive of them. This theory on moral behavior is most definitely not an accurate representation of how society actually treats the poor and needy. Most people would only like to assist individuals if they are positive that they are desperate. The thought of people abusing the system drives many people to criticize it. People are greedy, and want to make sure all their money is being spent the way they desire. Therefore, the amount of people who support utilitarianism is the reason that these government assistance programs have been established. Greed and egoism are the reason that these programs are dysfunctional in many ways. {text:bibliography-mark} Who is at fault for those who require assistance? The egoists would argue that if one acts solely on self-interest and still comes up empty, they have to sleep on the bed they have made. Utilitarianism argues the complete opposite; all people as humanity are responsible for helping out each other. Since greed and materialism dominates American culture, it would be safe to say the egoists are winning this battle. Furthermore, by allowing abuse of government assistance programs it only advances the egotistical belief that the world is every man for themselves and to take all benefits possible. This is what drives most complaints within the system, the government not doing a good enough job of regulating these assistance programs. The issuing of government assistance is an ethical issued because it deals with multiple different opinions on the matter all based on morals. People who believe that every family should have to earn everthing they receive are basing this reasoning off egoism. Those who feel that it is the duty of society to help those in need are basing their reasoning off of utilitarianism. The issues that most people bring up within the government assistance programs are that they are not managed and policed well enough. This is not a moral issue; rather just issues of the government not doing all it can to make sure the right people are receiving assistance. Another reason that people have a large problem with assistance is because the government is in charge of it, and some people will go against anything that is government run. For these people there is no purpose in reasoning, they simply believe the government is out to get us all. The main reason people have such strong opinions on this matter is because those who work likely envision portions of their check being mailed to people who donââ¬â¢t even attempt to land a job. This is what creates the social stigma associated with government assistance. In this day and age a country as prominent and developed as the United States must look out for their impoverished population. The assistance programs offered may not have all the kinks worked out and may not be well liked by everybody, but there is no denying that these programs are helping more than they are hurting. Works Cited
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Drug Use essays
Drug Use essays Should Society have the right to prohibit drug use? Why would the government care if you use drugs? Is it because drugs can be harmful to your heath? But what does the government care about your heath for. Shouldnt your health be your business and not the governments? These are some of the many questions people have asked throughout history. I think the government should be allowed to prohibit drug use. There are many reasons that it should be allowed to but the most important one is because drugs have always led to violence and crime. Many people have argued that if they legalized drugs that there wouldnt be anyone breaking the law because drugs were legal. But it has been known that heavy drug users sometimes need their drug so badly, that they will do anything to have it, leading back to crime. But what about alcohol? Alcohol is bad for you and can make people violent. So how come alcohol is legal? The reason alcohol is probably legal is because it is considered a lighter drug. So if alcohol is legal because it is a lighter drug, then why not legalizes marijuana? I think the main reason that marijuana is not legal is because there has been so much effort in the war against marijuana that they will never legalize it. Another reason they wont legalize it is because marijuana is considered a gate-way drug, which will only lead to more serious drugs. So in the end, the government seems to be right on top of keeping us healthy and smart about drugs. Although many people will continue use illegal drugs behind the governments back probably until the end of time. ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
ACT Test Dates Study Plan for Summer Before Senior Year
5-Step SAT/ACT Test Dates Study Plan for Summer Before Senior Year SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Your senior year is coming up, and youââ¬â¢re ready to blow those standardized tests out of the water once and for all. Itââ¬â¢s time to figure out the best study plan for you that still leaves time for summer jobs, shameful levels of ice cream consumption, and acquiring incomprehensible tan lines. Follow these five steps to make the most of your summer studying before your SAT or ACT test date! Step 1: Determine Your Goal The first step in creating a study plan is knowing how much you need to improve.You can calculate your target scores for both the SAT and ACT based on your college admission goals. Google your college of choice and ââ¬Å"SAT scoresâ⬠or ââ¬Å"ACT scoresâ⬠to find the score range of the middle 50 percent of admitted applicants - in other words, a 25th percentile score and a 75th percentile score. Aim for the 75th percentile score (a better score than 75 percent of admitted applicants) to give yourself the best chance of being admitted. Then, take a practice test to see where you stand score-wise, or,if youââ¬â¢ve already taken the SAT or ACT at least once (hopefully you have!), you can use that score to judge how much you need to improve.Here are some links to free practice tests for the SAT and ACT if you feel youââ¬â¢ve improved significantly since the last time you took the tests and need to get a new baseline score. Step 2: Figure Out How Many Hours You Need to Study Now that you know your baseline and target scores, you can use the difference between them to estimate the number of hours youââ¬â¢ll need to study to achieve your goals by the time of your SAT/ACT test date. Hereââ¬â¢s an estimated breakdown of point improvement per number of study hours for the SAT: 0-30 SAT Composite Point Improvement: 10 hours30-70 Point Improvement: 20 hours70-130 Point Improvement: 40 hours130-200 Point Improvement: 80 hours200-330 Point Improvement: 150 hours+ And hereââ¬â¢s the same infofor the ACT: 0-1 ACT Composite Point Improvement: 10 hours1-2 ACT Point Improvement: 20 hours2-4 ACT Point Improvement: 40 hours4-6 ACT Point Improvement: 80 hours6-9 ACT Point Improvement: 150 hours+ Remember, these are rough estimates, which means theyââ¬â¢re not necessarily going to apply to everyone. Thatââ¬â¢s why the next step is about adjusting thenumber of summer-studying hours to meet your specific needs. Step 3: Factor in Your Study Habits and Learning Style You now have a rough idea of how many hours youââ¬â¢ll need to put in, but you might need to study for more or less time based on how you process information and how focused you are. Here are some factors that might lead you to add or subtract study hours from your plan. Youââ¬â¢ll Need to Study for More Time If ... You get distracted easily - If you have trouble focusing, you probably aren't getting as much out of your study time. Make sure you study in a quiet place with your phone turned off. If you find you can't focus on studying for hours at a time, stagger your time throughout each week rather than studying in big chunks. You struggle with running out of time on the test - The more comfortable you are with the test questions and their structure, the less stressed you'll be about time. You're less likely to psych yourself out if you've studied enough to feel comfortable with the test material. You take a while to learn from your mistakes - On standardized tests it can be difficult to accumulate knowledge about your mistakes and apply it to future scenarios. If you have particular difficulty with identifying and understanding your mistakes, you may need more study time. You've already studied a lot without much score improvement - In this case, it might be time to change study tactics and commit to more hours. Reevaluate how you've been studying. If you're just taking a bunch of practice tests and not really investigating your incorrect answers, you probably won't see much of an improvement in your scores. Youââ¬â¢ll Need to Study for Less Time If ... You are a super focused studier- If you really get in the zone when you study, you might not need to set aside as much time. You donââ¬â¢t have difficulty finishing the sections with time to spare- Since you're comfortable enough with the questions to get through them all, you've already conquered one of the most troublesome aspects of the test. You learn from your mistakes right away - If all it takes for you to learn the right way to answer a question is to answer it wrong once, you probably don't need as much study time as the average person. You are new to the test- This oneââ¬â¢s unlikely if youââ¬â¢re coming up on senior year, but even if you just havenââ¬â¢t studied a lot up to this point, it will be easier for you to make improvements quickly. Remember that literal osmosis is not a viable studying technique. Step 4: Spread Out Your Estimated Hours Based on Summer Plans and Summer and Fall Test Dates Now for the actual plan - you know approximately how many hours you need to study, but how will you fit them into your schedule? If youââ¬â¢re planning to take the SAT or ACT on the first test dates in the fall, you have until October 5, 2019, for the SAT and September 8, 2019, for the ACT. If you want to take a test at the end of the summer, the SAT is now also offered at the end of August (August 24, 2019), while the ACT is offered in the summer on July 13, 2019(except in CA and NY). Note that the tests are held at roughly the same time every year, so these dates should still be good benchmarks if youââ¬â¢re reading this later. From the start of the summer youââ¬â¢re looking at aboutthree months of study time, with a little extra time once the school year starts up again.It's a good idea to spread out your hours out as much as possible week by week so you don't get overwhelmed. Here are a couple examples of plans for different point improvements: I Want to Improve by 30-70 Points on the SAT or 1-2 Points on the ACT You have an estimated study time of 20 hours, which is easily manageable over the course of three months.Choose one to two hours a week that you will set aside for studying.By the end of the summer, you will accumulate at least 20 hours of study time. If you think you need to study for more than 20 hours, two hours a week for the summer will give you about 30 hours plus whatever study time you can fit in during the fall before your last shot at the test. I Want to Improve by 130-200 Points on the SAT or 4-6 Points on the ACT For this level of improvement, the estimated study time is 80 hours, so youââ¬â¢ll have to be slightly more disciplined. Try setting aside an afternoon once a week that you will devote to studying.Five hours a week for the whole summer will get you close to 80 hours.After that, if you feel you need more preparation, you can do a little more studying during the fall before the test. I Want to Improve by 200-330 Points on the SAT or 6-9 Points on the ACT Youââ¬â¢re going to have to put in quite a bit of effort to see the improvements youââ¬â¢re looking for no matter how good your studying habits are.Studying for 150 hours or more in the summer is a tall order, but itââ¬â¢s not impossible. In this case, you should schedule10 hours a week for studying.It might sound like a lot, but think about it: itââ¬â¢s the time equivalent of less than two days of school and you have the option of being outside or sitting in a comfy chair in a cafe as you do it. Whatever Your Goals, Itââ¬â¢s Not Too Late to Get Your Scores up to Speed! If you think you'll need more study time, you can also take the tests later in the fall.The SAT offers November and December test dates, and the ACT offers October and December test dates.If you're considering these dates, check with the admissions offices of the colleges where you plan on applying to see how late they accept scores. I recommend signing up for the first available fall test dates to see where you stand after all your summer studying. If you donââ¬â¢t do as well as you hoped, you can then immediately sign up for the next date. I get it now! Thanks, disembodied hand! Step 5: Execute Your Study Plan, but Keep It Flexible OK, now itââ¬â¢s time to put your plan in motion!Youââ¬â¢ve blocked out your study time, and youââ¬â¢re committed to following through.However, itââ¬â¢s important to remember to roll with the punches if conflicts arise (and they will!). Maybe you end up going on a family vacation, camping with your friends, or taking on a part-time job.Make sure you donââ¬â¢t let studying fall by the wayside just because you skip a day or a week.Be open to moving around your study schedule so that you can maintain your goals while also taking advantage of the summer in other ways. Also remember: if you think you should be studying more or if you donââ¬â¢t feel like you are getting anywhere with your current methods, itââ¬â¢s OK to change your plan.It can be critical to maintain flexibility in terms of study strategies if you want to see real improvement. Try to be honest with yourself about what youââ¬â¢re getting out of your time and whether you need to reevaluate your study habits and techniques. As long as you can maintain the right balance of flexibility and commitment, youââ¬â¢ll have a fun and productive summer! What's Next? Still trying to decide when to take the SAT or ACT? Learn which senior year SAT/ACT test dates are best for you.Also take a look at upcoming test dates for SAT subject tests if you still need to take those! If you've already taken the SAT, find out how many times you should take it in totalbefore you apply to college. Finally, if you're aiming for a really high score, or just want to know how you can make the biggest improvements, check out our guides to getting a perfect score on the SAT or ACT. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Journal Topics Involving Different Perspectives
Journal Topics Involving Different Perspectives Writing in classroom journals is one powerful strategy to get students to respond to literature, gain writing fluency, or increase dialogue in writing with another student or the teacher.à Journal writing is a great way for students to stretch their thinking and look at things from different perspectives. Most journal writing is done in the first-person point of view, usingà I. Journal writing can also be from an omniscient point of view, with the writing is done from an all-knowing perspective. The following topics cause the writer to predict or try to things from an unusual perspective. These may be highly creative, such as describe the events of yesterday from the perspective of your hair. Journal Topics on Perspective Students should have fun as they stretch themselves for these journal writing topics. What one non-living item would you take from your house if it caught on fire?Which five of these things (make a list) would you take from your house if it caught fire?Pretend you met an alien and explain school to him/her/it.Set your clocks ahead to the beginning of next school year. Where are you and what are you be doing?What would you do with a million dollars? List five things you would buy.Youve landed on another planet. Tell the inhabitants all about the earth.Youve gone 500 years back in time. Explain plumbing, electricity, cars, windows, air conditioning and other conveniences to those you meet.What animal would you be? Why?If you were your teacher, how would you treat you?Describe a day in the life of (choose an animal).Describe how you feel at the dentists office.Write about the time as a child you played in a place you thought was magical: a treehouse, a cornfield, a construction site, a junkyard, an abandoned house or barn, a stream, a playground, a swamp, or a pasture.De scribe the perfect place for you. What if your teacher fell asleep in class?Describe the life of your locker.Describe the life of your shoe.If you could live anywhere, what would you choose?If you were invisible, what would you do first?Describe your life five, ten, and then fifteen years from now.How would do you think your parents views would change if they walked in your shoes for a week?Describe your desk in complete detail. Focus on all sides and angles.List twenty-five uses for a toothbrush.Describe a toaster from the inside.Assume you are the last person on earth and have been granted one wish. What would it be?Imagine a world that contained no written language. What would be different?If you could step back in time to relive one day, what would you do differently?You discover you have only six weeks to live. What would you do and why?Imagine you are 30 years old. How will you describe yourself as you are today?Describe how you would feel if you were YOUR parent. What would you do differently?Describe how you would feel if you were YOUR teacher. What would you do differently? What would you do if you were locked inside your favorite department store overnightWhat would you do it all the electricity in the world just stopped?à à What would you do if you could travel free anyplace in the world?à You being chased by a villain or villainous group through an abandoned warehouse.à Why?Consider the phrase ââ¬ËIf Iââ¬â¢d known then what I know now, I never would haveâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬â¢Ã Finish this sentence: Thats what happens when you follow your heart...Have you ever faced a difficult situation that required making adjustments? What adjustments did you make?The local TV reporter holds a microphone under your nose and says, Channel 14 is doing a survey. Wed like to know: What really matters to you?Describe the group you most identify with and tell why the members of that group might identify with you.à Would you like to be famous? Why or why not? What would you like to be famous for?What advice would you give to someone who stole something but now feels guilty?How do you define beauty? What things do you think are beautiful? If you were a fly on the wall in your house, what would you see your family doing?Script your acceptance speech for an award you never thought you would receive.Script your response to a surprise party...when you already knew about the surprise.Write a letter to a character in a Disney movie.à What do you plan to say to a friend who borrows things from you but never returns them?Write from the perspective of a ghost. What frightens you?We often dont know our own strength until something really gets in our way. Write about a time when you stood your ground.List ways you can entertain your friends without spending any money.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Course Discussions DB Forum 2 Reading OT Narratives Essay
Course Discussions DB Forum 2 Reading OT Narratives - Essay Example Literary approach assist in the correct interpretation of narratives as well as appreciating the rich artistic beauty found in these narrations of the bible. The book of Joshua as a narrative story ought to be viewed as a literature in its study. This paper will go through a literary analysis of Joshua chapter seven and verses one to twenty-six, (Joshua 7:1-26). It is worth noting that the analysis that will be done is not exclusive and is not limited to further examination of the same. When one reads the whole chapter, one get to site a number of literary forms that have been used to spice up the narrative and to attract the attention of the reader. To start with, there is the presence of a catalogue. This is generally a list of enumeration of names, persons or even things and normally arranged alphabetically. In reference to this chapter, the first verse shows this where it shows the names of close relatives of Achan, for instance, Achan son of Carmi son of Zabdi son of Zerah.The names are alphabetically arranged. Secondly, the chapter has a number of dialogues. A dialogue is basically a literal work whereby two or more characters are represented as conversing. This is evident from the chapter where Joshua converses with men he had sent to go and spy over Ai (7:3). Another example is a dialogue between Joshua and God especially when they were defeated by men from Ai. There is also a dialogue between Joshua and the sinful Achan. ... A monologue is still another literary form used in this chapter. This is whereby a sole speaker normally directs his/her remarks to one audience or an individual. This is justifiable in verses 19 -20 between Joshua and Achan. Additionally, oracle is yet another literary form as found in this chapter. In general terms, an oracle is a divine communication which is evident in verses 13-14 of this chapter. Simile has been used whereby it is comparing two entities as performing the same function. For instance, in chapter 7:5, after the Israelites were defeated by men of Ai, they melted like water. The people are compared to how ice melts after receiving the news that they had been defeated in the battle and their men killed. There is also the use of metaphors in this chapter of the bible. A metaphor is basically a language used to add descriptive meaning and the meaning have little connotative similarity with the actual meaning. This can be exemplified from Joshua 7, 8 "Israel has turned their backs to their enemies" and in the following verse (9) ".cut off our name from the earth". These are just but a few of the literary forms found in this chapter. Question two: One interpretive issue or problem from the narrative of Joshua and provide an explanation of the problem and a resolution Joshua complaining to God (Joshua7:7-8) After the Israelites were defeated by men of Ai and thirty-six men killed, Joshua was dismayed. Earlier in the previous verse we see him going to the ark and tearing his clothes, fall face down and putting dust on his head. Later he is seen pausing three questions and two statements to God. The second question looks at these questions and statements as an issue derived from the narrative. Verse seven pauses the first question," Alas, O
Medical uses of algae Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words - 1
Medical uses of algae - Research Paper Example They include both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Algae both live and dead are being used by the humans. The fossil algal diatomite deposits in the shape of light but strong rocks are used as building materials and filtration media in water purification systems and swimming pools. Some fossil algae like Botryococcus are sources oil-rich deposits. Some other species of green algae are grown for obtaining bio chemicals for applications in medicine and cosmetics. The nuisance blue-green algae have beneficial uses especially Spirulina which is used as dietary supplement. The blue-green algae are better known as fresh water nuisance organisms which form as dense blooms affecting human activities through toxins generated by them, by clogging water courses and affecting recreational activities (Bellinger and Sigee). Alage has been described as organisms containing chlorophyll made up of one cell or grouped together in colonies or with many cells and at times joining together as simple tissues. Their sizes vary from unicellular of 3-10 um microns to giant kelps up to 70 mg long capable of growing 50 cm per day. They are found all over the earth in the sea, rivers, and lakes, also on soils and walls, in animal and plants (as symbionts-partners collaborating together) and it can just grow anywhere where light is available to conduct photosynthesis. Thus, alage are heterogeneous and identified in two major types: microalgae and microalgae. Microalgae grow in bentheic and littoral habitats and also in the ocean waters as Phytoplankton that comprises species such as diatoms, (bacillariophyta), dinoflagellates (dinophyta), green and yellow-brown flagellates (Chlorophyta; prasino-phyta; prymnesiophyta; cryptophyta, chrysophyta and rhaphdiophyta) and blue-green algae (cyano-phyta) (Gamal 1). Microalgal phyla provide chemical and pharmacological compounds besides bioactive compounds of marine resources back to compounds marine
Friday, October 18, 2019
The benefits of nuclear energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The benefits of nuclear energy - Essay Example Bruno Comby considers that nuclear energy to replace the other energy sources especially fossil fuels including coal, natural gas and petroleum and in this way serve as a clean, safe, efficient and reliable energy source, whilst ensuring the conservation of the environment. Comby mentions that there are several renewable energy sources which are being tried out nowadays including wind, solar and tidal energy, but the same cannot be used to meet the mass requirements and with the global environment crisis may not be efficient to lower the carbon dioxide levels and control pollution. He considers that there would be no other alternatives but the use of nuclear technology. He also considers that the opposition to the use of nuclear technology for power generation would be the biggest mistake of human civilisation. Currently more than 85% of the world power is generated from fossil fuels. This releases huge amounts of carbon dioxide and other pollutants. He feels that countries like Indi a and China which account for one-third of the earthââ¬â¢s pollution should take up a strategy to use nuclear fuel immediately and conserve the environment by prevention of using fossil fuels. Using wind power requires a several areas to be deforested and the use of bio fuel would have place additional pressure on the agricultural sector to produce yield for fuel. Comby also addressed the problem of nuclear accidents that have occurred in the USA (Three Mile Island 1979) and the Chernobyl incident in 1986 (USSR). He felt that though the Three Mile Island incident was hyped, it was a good example of how to prevent a nuclear disaster. On the other hand, regarding Chernobyl he felt that the same was avoidable if proper precautions had been taken by the Russian authorities. In all, he feels that in spite of the 2 major and a few minor incidents, there have been very few incidents with the use of nuclear energy for
Compare reward approach between Asia and Western economy Essay
Compare reward approach between Asia and Western economy - Essay Example The western economy has shown progress mainly because of the motivated workforce. They have adopted the total reward management strategy. This compares to Asia that also has seen economic rise though not successful as the western economy. The Asian countries have also shifted from the traditional reward system to the total reward system. Western countries adopt the change quickly because they have less cultural cohesion unlike the Asian with the cultural cohesion. The success of the western economy can be linked in the utilization of total reward system to make decisions, improve staff performance and help solve potential reward problems. With the uncertainty of the world economy, having the right talent at the right cost in companies across the world has been a great challenge in human resource. Total reward programs aim at attracting and retaining a talented workforce in any company. As technological advances are, and the swaying global economy poses a significant threat to companies`, it has been shown that total reward strategy is used to achieve excellence. This paper compares the reward approach between Asia and the western world (Chiang and Birtch 2007, p.61). Through use of literatures, rewards systems in the international context have been explored. The main objectives of the paper include: 3. To assess the significance of total reward system under the culturally, globalization influence and through theoretical views of total reward management know the use, models and design in the global economy. According to Milkovich and Newman, (2006, p.8) reward is all the tangible and non-tangible benefits and provisions presented to an employee as part of improving employment relationship. Work rewards refer to benefits employees receive from their workplace that are considered as the determinants of job satisfaction and commitment (Malhotra et
Thursday, October 17, 2019
How the internet or internet technology has helped me during the Essay
How the internet or internet technology has helped me during the course of my studies - Essay Example Before, we are not at all aware of what is happening in another country unless it is reported in television. And the news will only be reported if the reporters were there while the incident is happening, like during war. We will only know of news through the newspaper. And only a few of them make the newspaper. But now even if we donââ¬â¢t see it in the newspaper, just Google todayââ¬â¢s news for the tiniest city of China or Zimbabwe, and weââ¬â¢ll see it! We also have a larger access to learning and knowledge. Google has actually revolutionized the whole Internet browsing experience. We can just type in certain keywords, and voila! we have the information we need. All we have to do is to discriminate the information, which are reliable and those which are made up. The Internet has been my best friend during college. It gave me the opportunity to get a better understanding of my classes. I donââ¬â¢t just look up information in the Internet, I take it a step further. I enroll in online classes to get ahead of my class. With this, I donââ¬â¢t only get additional information but I can also see different perspectives regarding a certain topic. This allows me to have a better understanding of the lesson or the issue at hand. It is not only gives me a headstart it also pushes me to become better as it allows me to get the picture of different views of people about the lesson. Also, as Iââ¬â¢ve said the Internet allows you to find different kinds of resources that will aid you in research studies. I can get the information I need in less than second. How convenient is that! It cuts my time compared to manually checking the pages of a book where I can find the information I need. I believe that the Internet will go a long way. And it will even become better in future years. Humans love to invent and innovate. We have that creative gift. And we always want to make things easier for us. I believe that even if get out of
Firm Creation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Firm Creation - Assignment Example I was also responsible in finding and assembling the present team who like me are averse to working under others. I will be an active partner who will be responsible for marketing and sales of our skills. Brian: Brian will be the core person in the team since he is the only one at present with the technical qualification needed in our business. He is certified by the Professional Aviation Maintenance Association (PAMA) in non-destructive testing of airframes. He is also a qualified Six Sigma specialist in addition to taking a four year course at a business school and two year course in mechanical engineering. He is a willing team player, is very organized and willing to innovate and improve processes. He is also familiar with CAD and other basic computer applications. Shelley: In terms of qualification, Shelley is the odd person out in our team. She is a qualified medical assistant but is willing to take the administrative responsibilities of our firm. She is also a team player and is motivated enough to take on responsibilities. She has basic computer skill and working knowledge certain MS Office applications. Nikki: Nikki is a born leader and will act as the managing partner of our firm. ... Each of these needs to comply with safety regulations formulated by the Federal Aviation Administration and it includes airframe safety also. Accidents and subsequent rescue efforts are also a concern. New digital distress beacons called Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELT) are now available that can locate the name, owner, location and type of aircraft with the help of satellites in case of a crash. But the equipment is costly and owners are reluctant to fit their planes with one. "More than 85% of private planes do not carry the improved beacons even as the government prepares to stop listening Feb. 1 for distress calls from the older, outdated beacons installed on most aircraft." (Levin, 2009). Services provided by SafeAir Consultants: SafeAir Consultancy can provide airworthiness certification with regard to airframes using non-destructive testing methods. Individual owners can be contacted for the purpose of building a client base. SafeAir can act also as a consultant and dealer in motivating owners to use the new ELTs. Their pilots and maintenance staff can also be educated about the usefulness of the ELTs. Skill profiles and suitability for the job: Building a client base can be quite tough for a new business venture. The leadership skills of Nikki and his organizational ability will be very useful in motivating other team members and other marketing staff. His high spiritedness shows an ambitious mind which is essential for any businessman who wants to achieve high growth. Shelley is also a team player and will fit in well as an administrator. She also appears to be an ethical and honest person which is very essential since handling finance is one of her responsibilities. As a family
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
How the internet or internet technology has helped me during the Essay
How the internet or internet technology has helped me during the course of my studies - Essay Example Before, we are not at all aware of what is happening in another country unless it is reported in television. And the news will only be reported if the reporters were there while the incident is happening, like during war. We will only know of news through the newspaper. And only a few of them make the newspaper. But now even if we donââ¬â¢t see it in the newspaper, just Google todayââ¬â¢s news for the tiniest city of China or Zimbabwe, and weââ¬â¢ll see it! We also have a larger access to learning and knowledge. Google has actually revolutionized the whole Internet browsing experience. We can just type in certain keywords, and voila! we have the information we need. All we have to do is to discriminate the information, which are reliable and those which are made up. The Internet has been my best friend during college. It gave me the opportunity to get a better understanding of my classes. I donââ¬â¢t just look up information in the Internet, I take it a step further. I enroll in online classes to get ahead of my class. With this, I donââ¬â¢t only get additional information but I can also see different perspectives regarding a certain topic. This allows me to have a better understanding of the lesson or the issue at hand. It is not only gives me a headstart it also pushes me to become better as it allows me to get the picture of different views of people about the lesson. Also, as Iââ¬â¢ve said the Internet allows you to find different kinds of resources that will aid you in research studies. I can get the information I need in less than second. How convenient is that! It cuts my time compared to manually checking the pages of a book where I can find the information I need. I believe that the Internet will go a long way. And it will even become better in future years. Humans love to invent and innovate. We have that creative gift. And we always want to make things easier for us. I believe that even if get out of
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
By the way, meet Vera Stark Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
By the way, meet Vera Stark - Essay Example During years it became the speaker for Afro-Americans and their view on actual social problems and past prejudices, Penumbra Theater is concentrated on the Afro-Americanââ¬â¢s focus and perspective of seeing important things and showing them to public. Penumbra Theater stage though small does not make public feel unnatural, it looks atmospheric and creates an effect of coziness and hospitality. But of course it is not the building, which looks classically inside, but people who make all performances wonderful and glorious. Talking about Vera Stark, we canââ¬â¢t forget about great sets work by C. Lance Brockman, beautiful musical pieces by music director Sanford Moore and highly professional dancing performances organized by chorographical director Austene Van. Surely. Moreover, taking into consideration that Vera Spark is a historical play costume work is very important. Matthew LeFebvre made everything look real and convincing. My special attention goes to elegant and perfectly placed bright red dress of the main heroine. Vera and her friends in maid uniforms were looking attractive and natural too. Gloria Mitchellââ¬â¢s appearance was always perfect, calling up all those archetypes of femme-fatales and glorious women from the Golden Era of Hollywood. All costumes created atmospheric feeling of thirties and allowed believing in actors` play even more. Marcus Dilliard on lighting and Martin Gwinup responsible for sound and video design (especially good work with the television piece) altogether make the whole performance look natural and made viewer to pay attention to every little piece and detail. ââ¬Å"By the Way, Meet Vera Sparkâ⬠was written by Lynn Nottage whose ââ¬Å"Ruinedâ⬠won Pulitzer Prize in 2009. Vera Spark is an Afro-American women trying to reach the stars in the 1930ââ¬â¢s Golden Age of Hollywood and also helping Gloria Mitchell, successful movie star. Vera is a main heroine; she is persuasive, active, smart, and
Monday, October 14, 2019
A Note on Cheerleading Essay Example for Free
A Note on Cheerleading Essay Cheerleading. When you hear that word, what do you think about? Snobby, skinny blonde girls that have nothing else to do in life besides smile and wear short skirts? Well, when I hear that word, I think of confident, courageous and athletic young women who have a chance to be someone else on a gym floor. Cheerleading is full of so many opportunities! Iââ¬â¢ve been a cheerleader for four years and it has done so many things. But before that all happened, my life was just simple. I was nervous to talk in crowds, my face turned red when people wanted to speak to me, and I acted shy in many other ways. I wouldnââ¬â¢t say I was a nobody. I mean, I was a somebody, but just not a positive, talkative student who enjoyed attention. In 7th grade, signing up for cheerleading was a hassle. I didnââ¬â¢t want to sign up all by myself. So I convinced some of my friends to sign up with me. Unfortunately, they quit right before try-outs because they werenââ¬â¢t that interested anymore. So basically, I felt all by myself. But I hung on. I cheered all the cheers, chanted all the chants, stretched all the stretches, and jumped all the jumps. Cheerleading was fun. It changed my life in just three months. I felt as if I was ââ¬Å"coming out of my shell.â⬠But more was to come freshman year. Signing up for cheerleading in freshmanwas easy. But it was the wait for the season to actually start that was aggravating! Eventually, time slowly came by and it was , 2009, the first day of practice, and that was a wake-up call. There was a new, more professional coach, and only one girl from last year was back to be on the squad. So it was time to meet other people for a change and make more friends. New cheers were being taught from the captains of the High School Cheerleaders. Who knew that Iââ¬â¢d get the highest score in try-outs and become head captain? Well, I did, and a captain is supposed to lead everyone. Thatââ¬â¢s what let me be myself. I was able to help everyone understand what to do, when to do it, and stand in front of a crowd by having a different uniform than the other non-captains on the team. Games are my favorite. Just running onto the floor is a rush, and I plan to do that for at least four more years. Yes, I want to be on the High School Cheerleading squad! Iââ¬â¢m confident I will make it, and Iââ¬â¢m not scared to try. The high school coach has been to some of our practices and I could tell she was impressed. I guess I have to wait a year to see what she says. GO, BULLDOGS! As you can see, thereââ¬â¢s been a drastic before and after. Before, I was a shy girl who was just average. Now, Iââ¬â¢m a young woman who has a good sense of self-confidence!
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Civilization Cure Or Disease :: essays research papers
Upon flipping to the business section of the New York Times an Ohio University student saw a startling headline glaring back at her ââ¬Å"American Corporations Suspected In Millions of Third World Deaths.â⬠As she read the article it became apparent that international corporations many of which were based in the United States exploit the poorest of the poor. These companies paid workers extremely low wages and exposed them to hazardous materials with out any protection. Working conditions were unsafe and often lead to health problems. It appeared that slavery was alive and well in the name of ââ¬Å"Global Industrialization.â⬠Even more shocking was the fact that this new form of slavery was also present within our own borders. Migrant workers and illegal aliens were becoming an increasing percentage of Americaââ¬â¢s labor force. These workers were paid well below minimum wage for jobs, which often put their health if not their life in jeopardy. à à à à à It appeared that Americaââ¬â¢s industrial empire was built upon the exploitation of the poor throughout the world. Often women and children were the victims of the ââ¬Å"Global Market Economy.â⬠The article stated that millions of goods were produced by children as young as 6 in third world and developing nations. Companies producing these goods claimed that it was not ââ¬Å"slave laborâ⬠they claimed it was the ââ¬Å"efficient use of human resources for production.â⬠It seemed that companies in their desire of ââ¬Å"progressâ⬠and profit were oppressing the worldââ¬â¢s poorest nations and their citizens. This is not a new phenomenon it has gone on through history; the strong oppress the weak. What is amazing though is the fact that industrialized nations all consider themselves to be the most civilized societies in the world. Industrial powers view less developed nations as backwards which is a synonym for barbarous. But are the societies of industrially advanced nations truly the most civil? This is the question Montaigne raised over 400 years ago in his paper entitled ââ¬Å"Of Cannibals.â⬠à à à à à Throughout history it seems that the most technologically advanced societies are the most powerful. And the most powerful nations view themselves as the most civilized people in the world. But what exactly are the defining attributes of a civilized society? According to Websterââ¬â¢s Third International Dictionary a civilization is: an ideal state of human culture, characterized by complete absence of barbarism and non-rational behavior, optimum utilization of physical, cultural, spiritual, and human resources, and perfect adjustment of the individual within the social framework.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Myth and Romance in Star Wars :: Star Wars Film Movie Movies Essays
Myth and Romance in Star Wars Pure science fiction is rarely written. Science fiction is often blended with elements of other genres from horror to fairy tales. The movie Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope is one example of this. It contains a combination of science fiction with mythical and romantic elements. Contributing to this combination are the main characters Luke, Leia, Han, and Obi-wan, the movieââ¬â¢s setting in a galaxy far, far away, and Lukeââ¬â¢s great quest. Luke Skywalker is a mythical character. Luke is orphaned as a child and is taken in by his aunt and uncle. He is hidden away from his father and his fatherââ¬â¢s cohorts to protect him from the dark side. Luke is only one of many mythical heroes that are reared by someone other than his own parents. Oedipus, a Greek mythological hero, was hidden in another kingdom and raised by the king and queen there to protect him from his parents. Luke is portrayed as a savior that will bring balance to the Force and will help the Rebellion beat the evil Galactic Empire. He is completely pure and sinless because he is so naà ¯ve about the ways of the galaxy. Luke strives to save the souls of those around him.[1] For example, his friend Han Solo is a greedy man that looks out only for himself. Only by offering a reward does Luke convince Han to do the right thing and help him save Princess Leia. At the end of the movie, however, Luke causes Han to experience a change of heart. Han willingly puts his life on the line to protect Luke and destroy the Death Star, without looking for some reward. This is similar to the stories told in Scripture about Jesus. He attempted to teach the others around him to lead a good life in service to others. Myths generally involve some religious aspect. Myths always tell the story of some god or goddess that walks among the mortals to teach them a lesson, as Jesus and Luke do. Resembling other mythical heroes, Luke is gifted with divine powers. Luke is able to use these powers, called the Force, to influence the actions and thoughts of others and to manipulate his surroundings. This makes him better than the average man because he can use these powers to his advantage against any enemy. These powers make him impossible to beat unless one also has the same powers.
Friday, October 11, 2019
History of Holistic Health Essay
Holistic medicine is a system of alternate medicine, which is a total approach to life both in physical and spiritual terms. It does not focus on the specific illness or parts of the body suffering from illness, but rather visualizes the body as a whole and views body as more than the sum of the parts. It tries to attain a perfect harmony by fostering a cooperative relationship among all those involved, leading towards optimal attainment of the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of health (i. e. it focuses on the whole person and takes in to account how he or she interacts). When one part of the body is malfunctioning it disrupts all other parts of that person. This is comparable to the working of an automobile, if one part of the automobile engine malfunctions, it not only effects the working of the malfunctioning parts but causes wear and tear of the all the other related parts. The whole person, including all of the parts, is in constant interaction with the nature and the environment. In other words it was assumed that the body posses a natural tendency toward equilibrium, or homeostasis the maintenance, which is the key to good health. The aim of holistic healing is to achieve maximum body function, where individual body parts are functioning the way they should function. Therefore it is no longer the sole responsibility of the healer to bring good health otherwise puts great responsibilities on the patient to achieve the maximum possible health and well-being. Therefore holistic health is not a static process but an ongoing process. It is heavily depend on personal commitment to be moving toward the right end of the wellness continuum. Irrespective of their current status of health, any one can make marked improvement in the level of their well being by adopting the techniques of holistic health. Holistic medicine has its roots in several ancient healing traditions that stress healthy living and being in harmony with nature, originated in India and China about 5,000 years ago. The holistic healing practitioners propagated the idea of healthy way of living with nature. The great philosopher Socrates, who lived four centuries prior to Christ birth recognized this idea and has suggested that we should take body as a whole and not by part by part. Plato was another advocate of Holism advising doctors that they should respect the relationship between mind and body. And the ability of the body to heal itself and caution the doctors not to interfere with the process was emphasized by Hippocrates. Jan Christiaan Smuts coined the term holism in 1926 as a way of living a whole life and viewing the body as greater than the sum of their parts which has given us the more integrated concept of psychosomatic medicine known as holistic medicine. ââ¬Å"Holisticâ⬠became more recognized through 1970s to the current time and has become one of the accepted methods of alternative medicine. While the application of the word holistic is comparatively recent, the opposing school of thought felt that the physician should actively intervene to conquer disease, much as a mechanic would fix a broken machine. This philosophical debate continued over the centuries, with neither side predominating until the scientific revolution of the 19th century. The discovery of effective antimicrobial agents by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch accomplished remarkable recoveries not previously possible. However, even during Pasteurââ¬â¢s time there were scientists who cautioned that the germ theory should be put in its proper context. Claude Bernard, a noted physiologist of the time stated, ââ¬Å"Illnesses hover constantly about us, their seeds blown by the wind, but they do not set in the terrain unless the terrain is ready to receive them. â⬠Pasteur and Bernard debated this point over the years, and it is revealing to note that on his deathbed Pasteur is reported to have said, ââ¬Å"Bernard is right. The germ is nothing; the terrain all. â⬠While the holistic point of view acknowledges the importance of germs and disease, the primary focus is placed upon the resistance of the host. Interestingly, it was only at the beginning of the twentieth century that the principles of holistic medicine fell out of favor in Western societies, with the advent of major advances in what we now call allopathic medicine. Paradoxically, many discoveries of the twentieth century have only served to confirm many natural medicine theories. In many cases, researchers have set out to debunk holistic medicine, only to find that their research confirms it, as has been the case, for example, with many herbal remedies. When comparing holistic and allopathic, the definitions of health differ greatly in regard to the diagnosis and treatment of illness. However allopathic medicine is a system of medical practice that treats disease by the use of remedies that produce effects different from those produced by the disease under treatment and it is also called conventional medicine. People who use conventional medicine usually do not seek treatment until they become ill; there is little emphasis on preventive treatment. Because they believe the main causes of illness are considered to be pathogens-bacteria or viruses-or biochemical imbalances. Drugs, surgery, and radiation are scientific tests often used in diagnosis or in dealing with the problems. Holistic medicine, in the other hand, concentrate on preventing illness and maintaining health. Good health is seen as a balance of body systems ââ¬â mental, emotional, and spiritual, as well as physical. All aspects of a person are seen as interrelated ââ¬â a principle called holism, meaning ââ¬Å"state of wholeness. â⬠Any disharmony is thought to stress the body and perhaps lead to sickness. In the process of fighting disease a wide range of therapies is use as alternative medicine to bolster the bodyââ¬â¢s own defenses and restore balance. The best example illustrating this approach is the fact that ancient Chinese doctors were paid only when their patients were healthy, not if they became ill. Although allopathic medicine does not recognize that many physical symptoms have mental components (such as emotional stress which may lead to an ulcer or chronic headaches) its approach is generally to suppress the symptoms, both physical and psychological. While holistic method, views illness and disease, as an imbalance of the mind and body that is expressed on the physical, emotional, and mental levels of a person. Natural medicine, which follows holistic aproch, assesses the symptoms as a sign or reflection of a deeper instability within the person, and it tries to restore the physical and mental harmony that will then alleviate the symptoms. Knowing fully well that holistic medicine recognizes that the human body is highly equipped to resist disease and heal injuries. But when disease does occurs, or an injury occurs, the first instinct in holistic healing is to see what might be done to strengthen those natural resistance and healing agents so they can act against the disease more effectively. Results are not expected to occur overnight. But neither are they expected to occur at the expense of dangerous side effects.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Behavioral Influences on Health
It can be argued that various behavioral, psychological, sociocultural and lifestyle factors are related to the various causes of human mortality. Rationally, the root causes of various diseases that cause human death are associated with these factors. Therefore, we can argue on the point of view on how these factors are related to human health and the spread of various diseases that ultimately causes mortality.At one level, behavioral human factors can be argued as the characteristic phenomena of behavioral conceptions that may lead to contracting diseases. In this respect, human behavior could be argued in terms the relationship with the peer groups, morality, sexual behavior, attitudes towards oneself, virtues and moral obligations. Various ill-behavioral conceptions and tendencies have been known to act as the root cause of various diseases.For example, peer pressure may result to deviance, alcoholism, smoking and other conceptions (Joseph, 2005) From the implications of these be haviors therefore, various diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and other internal disorders and ailments that are strong causatives of human mortality tend to occur. The strength and the models of a personal behavior can therefore determine the propensity with which he/she can contract certain killer diseases and ailments at the expense of other behavioral patterns.The levels of morality which is shaped by the behavioral models can be a factor towards which killer diseases like HIV-AIDs and other sexually transmitted diseases and ailments that are vulnerable in causing mortality can be transmitted. Psychological factors are the human related factors that shape and determine the standards of ones health. Various studies in health psychology have depicted a close relationship between the cognition, personality, perception, interpersonal relationships and personal emotions towards human health related issues.Various psychological disorders that arise as a result of disruption in the psy chological context of a person have been known to cause mortality. The principal researches done on both clinical and health psychology has revealed various diseases that are psychologically related and which are of great impact to human health. The human psychological development is a complex autonomy that is attributed to both the mental and the cognitive personality.Various attributes are of great impact to the psychological provisions of a person that causes disability in the functional layout of ones psychological dispensation. Research studies have shown that the rate of mortality as a result of psychological disorders is increasingly becoming more (Benjamin, 2003) Sociocultural factors refer to the structural factors within the family footage or the society which shapes and determines the contexts of a personââ¬â¢s health. These structural settings dictate the functionality, response and behavior of a person within such a social context.Within the family setting, various h ealth related factors may arise such as level of dietary, physical health, family pressure, and various influences such as the level of education, income, and living standards. Either, various cultural parameters may shape the nature of human health. These include cultural integration, family relations, cultural stereotypes and other factors. The nature of the sociocultural attributes has been of great influence in shaping the contexts of human health and possibilities of contracting diseases that cause death (Ann, 1998)Lifestyles refer to the modalities of personââ¬â¢s way of life. It is determined by various factors such as level of education, family backgrounds, level of income, cultural factors and other. Generally, the nature of a personââ¬â¢s or familiesââ¬â¢ lifestyles may be attributes towards contracting diseases, the ability of seeking medical attention and the vulnerability of achieving control and preventive measures. Consequently, a personââ¬â¢s health is de termined preferential by the standards and levels of his/her lifestyles. (James, Simon, 2006) Behavioral Influences on Health It can be argued that various behavioral, psychological, sociocultural and lifestyle factors are related to the various causes of human mortality. Rationally, the root causes of various diseases that cause human death are associated with these factors. Therefore, we can argue on the point of view on how these factors are related to human health and the spread of various diseases that ultimately causes mortality. At one level, behavioral human factors can be argued as the characteristic phenomena of behavioral conceptions that may lead to contracting diseases.In this respect, human behavior could be argued in terms the relationship with the peer groups, morality, sexual behavior, attitudes towards oneself, virtues and moral obligations. Various ill-behavioral conceptions and tendencies have been known to act as the root cause of various diseases. For example, peer pressure may result to deviance, alcoholism, smoking and other conceptions (Joseph, 2005) From the implications of these b ehaviors therefore, various diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and other internal disorders and ailments that are strong causatives of human mortality tend to occur.The strength and the models of a personal behavior can therefore determine the propensity with which he/she can contract certain killer diseases and ailments at the expense of other behavioral patterns. The levels of morality which is shaped by the behavioral models can be a factor towards which killer diseases like HIV-AIDs and other sexually transmitted diseases and ailments that are vulnerable in causing mortality can be transmitted. Psychological factors are the human related factors that shape and determine the standards of ones health.Various studies in health psychology have depicted a close relationship between the cognition, personality, perception, interpersonal relationships and personal emotions towards human health related issues. Various psychological disorders that arise as a result of disruption in the ps ychological context of a person have been known to cause mortality. The principal researches done on both clinical and health psychology has revealed various diseases that are psychologically related and which are of great impact to human health.The human psychological development is a complex autonomy that is attributed to both the mental and the cognitive personality. Various attributes are of great impact to the psychological provisions of a person that causes disability in the functional layout of ones psychological dispensation. Research studies have shown that the rate of mortality as a result of psychological disorders is increasingly becoming more (Benjamin, 2003) Sociocultural factors refer to the structural factors within the family footage or the society which shapes and determines the contexts of a personââ¬â¢s health.These structural settings dictate the functionality, response and behavior of a person within such a social context. Within the family setting, various health related factors may arise such as level of dietary, physical health, family pressure, and various influences such as the level of education, income, and living standards. Either, various cultural parameters may shape the nature of human health. These include cultural integration, family relations, cultural stereotypes and other factors.The nature of the sociocultural attributes has been of great influence in shaping the contexts of human health and possibilities of contracting diseases that cause death (Ann, 1998) Lifestyles refer to the modalities of personââ¬â¢s way of life. It is determined by various factors such as level of education, family backgrounds, level of income, cultural factors and other. Generally, the nature of a personââ¬â¢s or familiesââ¬â¢ lifestyles may be attributes towards contracting diseases, the ability of seeking medical attention and the vulnerability of achieving control and preventive measures.Consequently, a personââ¬â¢s health is de termined preferential by the standards and levels of his/her lifestyles. (James, Simon, 2006) Reference Ann, F. (1998). Human Health and Diseases. New York, Heinemann Benjamin. G. C. (2003) Reducing unhealthy Behaviors: Where do we start? American journal f public health, Vol. 93 James, R & Simon, G (2006) What is Human Health. London, Routledge Joseph, k (2005) Social Inequalities towards Human Health, Journal of Pediatrics,
Case Write-Up: The Investment Detective Essay
Case Summary The purpose of this case is to become a capital budgeting analyst and evaluate which set of free cash flows for 8 projects will result in the most effective investment for a firmââ¬â¢s capital. The objective given is to rank the four best that the company should accept. The case is broken down into three separate steps including the given information about estimated cash flows (inflows & outflows), determining the appropriate discount rate, and evaluating the cash flows using the IRR (Internal Rate of Return), MIRR (Modified Internal Rate of Return), NPV (Net Present Value), and other metrics. Each project is chosen solely on the basis of the quantitative analysis. Here are some factors to consider for this case: Each project has the same initial investment of $2 million; in addition, all are believed to be of the same risk class. The managers have determined that projects 7 and 8 are mutually exclusive. The issue is that the WACC has never been officially estimated and in the pas t the discount rate has been assumed at 10 percent (however, certain officers have asserted the discount rate to be higher). Ranking Projects Ranking projects simply through the inspection of cash flows is inadequate due to the time value of money and cost of capital of companies; the only piece of information that can be derived from looking at the cash flows is the amount of time it would take to be paid back (regular payback period). There are several capital budgeting tools that can be used, including IRR, MIRR, and NPV. These three can be used to see if a project exceeds the expected rate of return or the cost of capital for a company. We also refer to payback, discounted payback period, and a profitability index to help assist the decision-making process for which projects should start to commence. In addition, qualitative factors must be considered for any project given outside of this case, to cover the bases and have successful implementation. A company could find that having a negative NPV is acceptable due to the critical nature of the project. Experimenting in new markets to identify potential favorable businesses should be taken into consideration. Finally, cash flows are estimated in most projects so aà consideration has to be made for the quality of estimation. Therein lies one of the critical issues in capital budgeting; that there is a margin of error in the calculation of cash flows, whereas in the example above, the margin of error (typically larger with uncertain outcomes) could mean there would be a positive NPV for that critical project. Typically, NPV is the foremost choice for determining the investing worthiness of a specific project; NPV, determined by the sum of discounted cash flows compared against the cost of the investment. NPV allows anyone to see how much value above the initial investment. MIRR, would be the next best choice, as it is measures profitability of a project as a percentage (IRR does this as well). The reason MIRR is of higher significance is it has the extra part of assuming cash flows being reinvested at the WACC rate; additionally MIRR eliminates the problem of IRR having two potential rates. Quantitative Ranking Methods We ranked each project by the various methods stated above. Below, in Exhibit 1, are the metrics ranked by highest amount or percentage, except for payback and discounted payback periods which are ranked from low to high, signifying the shortest amount of time that the initial investment is recovered. The answer to determine which project is best to invest in is dependent on the variables and requirements that management deems necessary, meaning the qualitative content that is supplementary to the cash flow data. Typically, firms will decide to invest on the project that produces the highest NPV, and for this case if we are to rank by NPV, project #3 is the clear winner. Ranking by profitability index gives the same answer for each project number (it is indirectly related to NPV through the sum of discounted cash flow benefits). However when we look at the other values for project #3, it isà lower down the order. This is a result of the only cash flow being in the last (15th) year; due to the time value of money, this lowers the IRR and MIRR substantially, and obviously the payback period is the longest of all the projects. The next prosperous project based off of NPV but also ranked 2nd highest for IRR, MIRR, and PI, is project #4. At first glance, when considering the two mutually exclusive projects: project #7 and #8, the NPV and PI for project #8 is higher, while the IRR and MIRR are higher for project #7. Additionally the payback and discounted payback periods are shorter for project #7. This presents a dilemma in which it appears project #8 should be selected, yet #7 seems to be more favorable overall. There is a continuity of this dilemma as the cash flow streams are unequal for each project. To solve for this issue, we used a replacement chain analysis to determine which project between the two is the best investment decision. Below, in Exhibit 2, is an analysis of each project using replacement chaining. We excluded the last cash flow of $70 at T15, because for project #8ââ¬â¢s last cash flow is after 7 years (project #7ââ¬â¢s last cash flow is after 5 years), so we repeated that to T14. As shown above, when using the replacement chain method, we can see the change in outputs when the cash flows are repeatedà through time. The decision between each project is now much clearer once the cash flows are repeated to the same* time-frame. Project #7 is the clear-cut investment decision when deciding between those two projects. Alternative Courses of Action There are always numerous ways to see a problem and decide how to react. The investor could choose any of the above mentioned methods (NPV, IRR, MIRR, payback, discounted payback, or Probability Index) to choose an investment project. Due to the mutual exclusivity of projects #7 and #8, the investor can choose whatever criteria method deemed most significant. Other factors for consideration include the projectââ¬â¢s proposing managerââ¬â¢s track record for success, the proposing managerââ¬â¢s confidence in the project, the timing of the projectââ¬â¢s cash flows, the projectââ¬â¢s ability to protect market share, or the proposing divisionââ¬â¢s track record of success. Recommendation Based on these options, and the previously detailed analysis, we recommend that the project be selected based on the NPV ranking shown in Exhibit 1. With mutually exclusive projects, conflicts may arise in choosing between using the NPV, IRR, and MIRR. In this case, the NPV is the best choice for selection because it chooses the project that maximizes value for the firm. If managers are interested in the expected rate of return on the project, the MIRR or IRR will be more likely to demonstrate the rates that are actually earned if the projectââ¬â¢s cash flows are reinvested in future projects, but this should be supplemental to the NPV during the decision process.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
To what extend does Mozi's philosophy conflicts with the Confucianism Essay
To what extend does Mozi's philosophy conflicts with the Confucianism - Essay Example The spread of Mohism began taking place when the traditional Chinese priest craft was challenged by the emerging technical intelligence. Mozi is believed to have been drawn to prominence by the rising demand of scholars during the era of the Warring States. There are other accounts that depict him as a fortifications officer in the military while the numerous criticisms demonstrate that he was conversant with the Confucian priesthood (Hansen, 2009). Although there is very few literature that talks about Mozi, majority of them depict him as having been against Confucianism. One of Moziââ¬â¢s greatest critics was Mencius (371-289 BC) who claimed that the writings of Mozi were all over the social media and for that reason, most people were influenced to believe in his distorted view of Confucianism. Mozi is believed to have been a strong advocate of utilitarianism and equal concern for each individual. The Mohist movement, which had begun with Mozi in later stages led to a much newer fashion of Daoism and Confucianism. The central Mohist literature has an intended argumentative style. It utilizes an unprejudiced symmetry of expression and repetition that makes it easy to memorize as well as in passing along the message. Symmetry and repetition are commonly used stylistic devices for classical Chinese and it is mostly in analytical form (Mei, 2008). Various books document the life of Mozi and his works. Nearly all of the available works explain Moziââ¬â¢s story in the light of the ââ¬Å"craft theoryâ⬠since it helps in explaining the unique personality of well-organized logical thought in China that had its roots in Mozi. These pieces of literature mostly dwell on moral debates but mostly focus on the entire Mohist system to which they credit Mozi as having been the founder. Mozi, according to the available literature believed that the moral standards should be in a measurable form, e.g., in the manner of a carpenter with a plumb line or
Monday, October 7, 2019
A Description of Human Geography Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
A Description of Human Geography - Assignment Example Some of these include the birth rate, death rate, fertility rate, natural increase rate and zero population growth. All the rates are ratios and their functions are that these aspects are used to check on the population change. The aspects of ratios and rates form the population dynamics, which are treated with critical and spatial information that helps in evaluating the interaction between physical geography and human geography. b) The concept of population cohorts theory is also referred to as population pyramid theory. It is a graphical representation of the five-year age groups called the cohorts. The information in the population pyramid is used in various government sectors, for example, the economic demand notion for teenagers with the sociological concept. This helps the government in responding accurately to various matters such dependency ratios. b) On the other hand, Muslim refers to a person who follows the religion of Islam. Muslim refer to an individual who submits himself or herself to God. They consider Quran as a book containing the word of God and that word revealed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad. b) The Islamic religion has five pillars of faith and they are five observable features that distinguish Islam from other religion like Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism religions of the world. The first pillar of faith is that no God worthy of worship but Allah. In this pillar, the profession of faith require Muslims to bear witness to the oneness of God and Muhammad is his messenger. The second pillar is prayer. The inherent pillar relies on assumption that every individual have a direct relationship with God and therefore individuals should pray five times a day. The third pillar is giving charity where social responsibilities are considered part one's service to God. Payment of a specific possession to the welfare of the community is an act of purification and growth.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
How cell phones affected business in the world Research Paper
How cell phones affected business in the world - Research Paper Example This is especially in terms of communication besides ensuring that they can execute certain policies not only when physically present in the company but also while far away from the premises (Donovan, 2012). Consequently, cell phones have made everything fast and easy because it is just either the touch of the screen or press of a button, and individual attains what he or she wants (Diniz, Porto de Albuquerque, & Cernev, 2011). However, cell phones in the field of business have presented both merits and demerits mainly based on their usage. This is especially by employees who end up using them inappropriately for their gains (Diniz, Porto de Albuquerque, & Cernev, 2011). Enhance Business Flexibility When utilized as necessitated, cell phones pose numerous benefits to any business venture globally (Donovan, 2012). They normally allow for easy flexibility of both the business and employees while working. This enables one to work from anywhere irrespective of time, and still business ru ns smoothly, which is by offering the necessary directives, for instance, from business owners (Donovan, 2012). This is a positive impact on the businesses, which allows for extra flexibility not only to the owners but also clients because they are capable of both ordering and paying their bills using cell phones (MPESA) (Diniz, Porto de Albuquerque, & Cernev, 2011). For instance, suppose one is away from his or her office during a business trip, yet one can still communicate with clients and meet their needs. In addition, a person is capable of planning and holding meetings without necessarily being at the venue physically through a teleconference (Diniz, Porto de Albuquerque, & Cernev, 2011). Presently, numerous cell phones are Internet-enabled, implying they can perform similar and even more efficient functions than an ordinary computer. For instance, these functions embrace sending emails, conversing, browsing the Internet and typing documents irrespective of the userââ¬â¢s l ocation (Donovan, 2012). These features enable users to be updated with the current ongoing events besides being able to meet his or her prospective customers and suppliers. For instance, suppose a client is in need of a proposal, so one can send it to him or her via uploading it via the phone where the receiver gets it within seconds (Diniz, Porto de Albuquerque, & Cernev, 2011). Making the World a Global Village Cell phone knowhow has also turned the world into a global village in diverse ways (Diniz, Porto de Albuquerque, & Cernev, 2011). For instance, one can easily communicate with diverse people globally without necessarily being together physically, which also applies to both buying and selling varied merchandise. This is aided by phone enabled features such as emails, teleconferencing, and social sites (FaceBook and Tweeter) to relay information from the sender to a large pool of clientele within seconds. A businessperson can hold conference meetings with fellow business peo ple by teleconferencing or via Skype. This is much easier and faster due to a cell phoneââ¬â¢s portability that prompts even workers to execute some of their roles while far from their respective working venues (Curwen & Whalley, 2010). This is evident currently with some global corporations which find it easy to deploy their staff in diverse
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Applied Business 8-1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Applied Business 8-1 - Essay Example SOX aims to Act improved corporate control and gave strength to corporate accountability. It applies that by: Legalizing and strengthening the internal checks and balances inside public corporations establishing a variety of levels of control to guarantee that financial reporting practices revealing corporate governance is managed with full transparency. The SOX Act introduced new penalties for acts of wrong doing and standards for corporate liability as well. It changes how corporate boards and executives must communicate with each other and with corporate auditors. Investigation found that law eradicates the cover of "financial issues were not in my knowledge" from directors and management, holds them answerable for the accuracy of financial statements. As law specifies financial reporting obligations, including attachment to new controls and processes designed to assure the legality of their financial records. Directors and Officers should be personally kept responsible for violating the law and showed negligence in
Friday, October 4, 2019
A Casualty Clearing Station Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
A Casualty Clearing Station - Essay Example Dr. Hayward started by explaining how the conditions at war were not as one expected them to be but they were rather tougher and difficult to cope up with. To support this stand, he began his narrative by stating that he had worked for twenty years as a surgeon in the general hospitals in an area and he also had an exposure to war like situations as he had served as a surgeon at British Red Cross Hospital, Netley during the initial period of the War. But the author explains in his narrative that this familiarity with war like situations was in no way close to the experiences that he gained at the Casualty Clearing Station (C.C.S) at Crouay where he got posted upon his request in July 1918. This was because the C.C.S received patients directly from the war field and this was different from his working at the British Red Cross Hospital. Thus, Dr. Hayward provided an inside picture of the C.C.S by beginning his compilation from his normal days of work and ending it after his work at the C.C.S. The firsthand account of Dr. John A. Hayward is a text that provides historians with not only geographical evidence but also with historical and cultural evidence. From the geographical perspective, his writing narrates the war experiences of the different regions in France beginning with the Base Hospital at Trouville where he only dealt with minor injuries. This was followed by his work at the C.C.S at Crouay where he treated patients who were pouring in from the battlefield.Ã
Thursday, October 3, 2019
The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe Essay Example for Free
The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe Essay Tom Wolfeââ¬â¢s book, The Right Stuff, is about the lives of several pilots and astronauts who were involved in tests and experiments conducted by the United States after the Cold War. These experiments were in line with the space race between the United States and the then Union of Soviet Socialists Republic. These pilots were subjected to several experiments using experimental high speed aircrafts which are all rocket powered. Because of the complexity of the program, the pilots were tested and screened, and not all would pass these tests. The extensive nature of the research led to several effects on the pilots, their lives, and their families. In order to be chosen, or even to be just a part of the project, all of these people should possess one important aspect, which is known by many as ââ¬Å"the right stuffâ⬠. à à à à à à à à à à à Because of tough competition with the USSR, the United States chose only the best of the best for their experimental projects like the Project Mercury. Many people tried out for several experiments, but eventually, some of them would have to go home, as some would be able to continue with the experiments. It is a very extensive project, as well has a very demanding endeavor. There are a lot of requirements, and if the people involved fail to have one of these requirements, they will more or less be out of the project. As Tom Wolfe puts it, the people who can only continue would be those who possess the ââ¬Å"right stuffâ⬠(Wolfe). à à à à à à à à à à à Tom Wolfeââ¬â¢s book defines the right stuff as having all the requirements and passing all the necessary tests in order to be a pilot or a spaceman. But that is not all; the right stuff would also have to include a strong heart, perseverance, and courage. It is through the mixture of all these trains that one would be able to attain the ââ¬Å"right stuffâ⬠that the project calls for. à à à à à à à à à à à One important aspect of the right stuff is about bravery. Being in the project, one must be brave in order to remain there. It is now just man vs. other man in competing for a spot in the project, but also man vs. himself. He is responsible to his actions as well as his decisions, which is why he needs to be firm enough not to be swayed away by his fears. Also, it is not bravery wherein you just have to risk your life, as anyone could easily do that. Instead, he should be willing to be literally a lab rat, wherein anything can happen to him. Afterwards, he should be able to keep his cool, as well as retain his reflexes and the experience in order to do it again for the next day, then again the next day, until the research calls for it to stop. à à à à à à à à à à à There were various tests that these pilots and astronauts would have to undergo over and over again ââ¬â an infinite set of mind and body exhausting activities that would really put anyone to their limits. The whole process is compared to a stepped pyramid or a ziggurat, wherein one has to move along the high and steep steps in order to go up. Through this way, that person can prove that as he goes up, he really does deserve to be one of those who were elected to do the job, because they were the right ones and because they had the right stuff to begin with. Everyone aims for the top, no matter how steep it is, though everyone gets only one chance to prove that they really have the right stuff. It was something that not all man can do, and the ones who do it are really the best. à à à à à à à à à à à Tom Wolfe defines the right stuff as the culmination of every skill and every talent that a person has, provided that he passes every test that was set for him in order to qualify for the experiment. It is not pure brawns, or pure brains, but instead, it offers the best of everything. People possessing the right stuff really have to be good at many things, especially those which are greatly needed in the experiment. Works Cited: Wolfe, Tom. The Right Stuff. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1979.
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